Looking for Kindred Spirits?

Join a Pentax Forum Social Group

By PF Staff in Site News on Nov 29, 2010
Looking for Kindred Spirits?

Interested in learning more about a specific aspect of photography? Or are you hoping to find like-minded Pentaxians near where you live? Then stop by Pentax Forum's Social Groups Index and join kindred spirits for help and tips, to discuss topics that interests you all, or simply to meet others who share your interests or geographic location. South Australia? We're here, mate. England? Those chaps are represented, too. States, regions, countries... there's probably a group for each, and if there isn't, start one!

Maybe it's technique that you want to concentrate on. Like, for instance, street photography. There's a social group for you, and it's called (surprise!) Street Photography. Perhaps it's macro photography which fascinates you. There's a group for you, too. Wildlife photography or railroad photography? We've got them.

Then again, maybe you love gear and want to talk about it. No problem. There are social groups for just about every Pentax camera, for example. So if you have a K200D and need help figuring something out about it, join the social group of others who own this workhorse.

There are plenty of other social groups, and if you can't find one in your particular area of interest, just start one up. One thing's for sure, though. The Pentax Forum has a friendly population of members, and there's certain to be folks like you.




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